miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

Demetri Martin

Thanks to my friend Laura I have discovered this guy, Demetri Martin that is just AWESOME. Do check him out @ YouTube. This is just a taste of his jokes, talking about Sames and Opposites while playing harmonica and guitar at the same time:

- "A cactus is the opposite of a chair... especially if your ass is bare"
- "A squirrel is the same as a can... when there's a BB gun in my hand"
- "Saying ´I apologize´ is the same as saying ´I'm sorry´... unless you're at a funeral"
- "Earrings are the same as sneezes... 2 is OK but 10 in a row is annoying"
- "An ex girlfriend is the same as an OK movie... I liked it at the time but I don't want to see it again. Especially if the movie... is kind of a bitch"

Much funnier when told by him ;)

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